PMS refers to a professionally managed portfolio of investments in assets, including debt and equity. They aim at homogeneous investors willing to undertake a certain amount of extra risk on their portfolio with enhanced exposure to familiar asset classes including equity and debt.
AIFs invest in alternative investments. They are asset classes different from conventional equity and debt. Alternative investments include structured products, commodities, hedge funds, real estate, private equity, etc.
There are 3 types:
Discretionary: In this type of PMS, the fund manager undertakes the investment decisions independently.
1. Non-discretionary: In this, the investor (client) has to approve all buy-sell transactions. Only upon approval, the fund manager is allowed to execute the transactions.
Advisory: here, the portfolio manager provides expert advice to the investor. It is upto to the client to follow the advice and execute the plan.
There are 3 categories of AIF:
1. Cat 1 allows investment in early-stage ventures, social ventures, SMEs, infrastructure or other sectors that the regulators consider economically important.
2. Cat 2 allows investment in funds such as PE or Private equity funds, real estate funds, distressed asset funds, etc.
Cat 3 allows investment in hedge funds and other assets which focus on short-term gains.
Lock In
In PMS there is no lock-in period and no limit to the number of investors.
These funds typically have a lock-in period of 3-10 years, and the number of investors is typically restricted to 1000, except in the case of angel funds where no scheme shall have more than 49 angel investors.
Ticket Size
The minimum investment amount as per SEBI mandate for PMS set-up is Rs. 50 Lakhs.
As mandated by SEBI, the minimum investment in AIFs is Rs 1 Crore.
Pooling of Funds
In PMS, there is no pooling of investor of funds. A separate Demat account needs to be created for every independent PMS investor.
In case of AIF pooling of funds is a necessity. As AIFs are privately pooled investment vehicles, they raise funds through private placement by issue of information memorandum or placement memorandum.
Minimum Corpus
PMS requires no corpus amount.
For AIFs, corpus needs to be a minimum of Rs 20. Crore. For angel funds, the requirement is lower, at Rs 10 Crore.
Segregation of Funds
In PMS every client’s funds have to be segregated into separate Demat accounts.
No segregation is required in AIFs.
The investor pays tax at slab rate applicable to his level of income.
In case of Cat 1 and Cat 2:
Other than business income (e.g.: capital gains)
Passed through – AIF does not pay any tax. Unit holder pays tax. Tax rate applicable to unit holders.
Business income – taxed at AIF. Such income is not taxable for unit holders.
AIF formed as company or LLP: taxed at the rates applicable to a company or LLP.
AIF formed as trust: taxed at maximum marginal rate.
In case of Cat 3:
Cat 3 funds have not been accorded pass through status. So all income made by cat 3 funds will be taxed at the fund level. The rate of tax depends on the legal form of the fund.
PMS got regulated in 1993
AIF got regulated in 2011
Certificate Validity
The certificate of registration remains valid for 3 years. The portfolio manager has to apply for the renewal of its registration certificate to SEBI, 3 months before the expiry of the validity of the certificate, if it wishes to continue as a registered portfolio manager.
The certificate of registration of an AIF shall be valid till the AIF is wound up.
Manager Contribution
PMS has no specific requirements on manager contributions.
AIFs require managers to have continued interest. In the case of Cat 1 and 2 of AIFs, managers should hold at least 2.5% of the corpus, or Rs. 5 crores, whichever is lower. For Cat 3, a manager should hold at least 5% of the corpus, or Rs. 10 crores, whichever is lower.
In PMS, there is no defined tenure for the securities. Instead, the agreement term between the fund manager and client is binding.
In AIF, the tenure of the securities for Cat 1 and Cat 2 is a minimum of 3 years. The extension is subject to the approval of two-thirds of the investors by value of investment in the AIF. In case of no majority to extend, the AIF gets liquidated within one year following expiration.
Liquidity is high as an investor can withdraw at his discretion in a manner specified under the agreement. However, exit load may be applicable on early withdrawal.
AIFs being closed ended except for Cat 3, which can be closed or open in nature. Closed ended AIFs are least liquid compared to PMS.
Option available to each investor
Not available.
Risk Profile
AIFs are the riskiest. Which is why it is only for sophisticated investors and even the ticket size is higher.